1st Semester Reflection

1. Quality of Work
I think that overall, my actual prints show good contrast, focus and composition. I try to think about these things when I am completing a project to get the best results. The quality of my subject matter is not the most exciting, but I have gone to locations out of school specifically to shoot photos for this class. I went to a garden, the park, and outside my house around the neighborhood. I have always made sure to fulfill the assignment by paying attention to the assignment, and trying to take it further by taking more photos than necessary, and editing pictures in photoshop for lighting and other purposes, even when it was not necessary. I have always had the correct number of images and index prints, and the proper format and resolution. I have been good about completing my work on time during the semester. I usually go beyond my first idea and ask for critiques. I have done several of my projects more than once to try to fulfill the assignment better.

2. Effort

I think that I am actively taking photos, considering all options from an artistic standpoint then I go out for a shoot. Though I try not to take photos at school for majority of my projects, I still try to find convenient locations for my projects, but I try to go out of the way with my subjects when I can, and when my schedule and due date allows. For the photograph your fears, I took a picture of a balloon at the park at a children's birthday party I wasn't invited to. I asked an adult supervising the party if they minded if I got my shot. This shows a lot of effort and planing put into my photography. I do shoot more than required. If a shot is hard to get, I will begin to feel frustrated, but I would not usually give up. I do take risks because I try to make my work more conceptual and complex when I can. I like to have my work stand out, and to do this, I would like to continue taking risks. Sometimes, if a project is not inspiring me, I would struggle with taking creative risks. Overall though, I understand that taking these risks is important in a class where I want to learn. I have a positive attitude when looking at other's work because I can learn from them. I like feedback, because I know my work isn't perfect. I have a positive attitude about my own work even if I am not proud of the end result because I will know that I tried my best, and that Klein will see that.

3. Participation

I am on time to class, but I cannot always wok throughout the block because I will have my work often finished and have nothing left to work on in class. I definitely have a plan to work independently because I don't have any friends in this class. This class is an opportunity to focus on my work, and to relax. When I have work to do, I will make sure to use my time wisely, and do my work before I move on to work for another class or going on my phone.

4. Improvement

I do not think I have found my style of photography, but I hope to find a style during second semester. Now, I am experimenting with different styles to try and fulfill the assignment as best as I can with what pops into my head in my creative process. I could definitely improve technically because I have a dslr but I do not know how to use it very well. I would like to be taught how to use my camera in class by playing with things like aperture and shutter speed. I would like to improve my composition and how compelling my images are, but that will come with practice. I should definitely have more confidence about my work, but that will come as I am developing a photography style. My concepts could improve too, I feel like I have a lot to learn, but even more can be shown in a photograph if I channel it.

5. Adjustment

I plan to do a few things different in second semester. I want to feel more proud of my work, and see my blog as a whole, instead of as individual projects slapped together. I feel this way because I do not have a style of photography as far as I know of. I hope to also learn how to use my camera, and bring my camera to school to do so.
